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Cleave [1]

klēv  : Is used in the Bible in two different senses:

(1) בּקע , bāḳa‛ "to split," or "to rend." We are told that Abraham "clave the wood for the burnt-offering" ( Genesis 22:3 ), and that "they clave the wood of the cart" ( 1 Samuel 6:14 ). The Psalmist speaks of Yahweh cleaving fountain and flood ( Psalm 74:15 ), and the plowman cleaving the earth ( Psalm 141:7 ). For other examples see  Judges 15:19;  Ecclesiastes 10:9;  Psalm 78:15;  Habakkuk 3:9 .

(2) דּבק , dābhaḳ  ; κολλάω , kolláō , "to adhere to," or "to join one's self to." This meaning is the reverse of the preceding. The Psalmist speaks of his tongue cleaving to the roof of his mouth ( Psalm 137:6 ). We are told that a man should cleave unto his wife ( Genesis 2:24;  Matthew 19:5 ). It is said that Ruth clave unto her mother-in-law (Rth 1:14), and that certain men clave unto Paul ( Acts 17:34; compare  Acts 4:23;  Acts 11:23 margin).

"Cleave" is also used in this sense to describe one's adherence to principles. Paul admonished the Romans to cleave to that which is good ( Romans 12:9 ).
