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Revision as of 00:29, 6 October 2021

Henry William Duchacet [1]

a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church, entered upon public life as a physician in New York city; but about 1824 he was ordained, and after having filled several other important positions, in 1833 accepted the rectorship of St. Stephen's parish, Philadelphia, where he died December 13, 1865, aged sixty-eight years. For many years he was a leading member of the standing committee of the diocese, and was associated with most of its religious societies. By his agency a great charity was inaugurated, the Burd Asylum for Orphans; and he had planned an asylum for disabled clergymen, having already taken the preliminary steps for its establishmnent, when his sudden death frustrated his design. See Amer. Quar. Church Rev. April 1866, page 126.
